Reset Your Password

If you've forgotten your password and need to reset it, to initiate an account recovery, open the lulafit native app through your mobile device.

  1. Tap Log in on the login screen.
  2. Enter your email address, then tap Continue.
    1. If the app doesn’t recognize your email address, refer to our Unable to login article.
  3. Tap on Forgot your password? and follow the instructions.
    1. On the Forgot Password screen, your email address will be prefilled; tap on Send Reset Email.
    2. Open the email you received from lulafit and click on the link to reset your password.
    3. From the “Change Your Password” page, create and confirm a new password; tap on Reset password.

Note:  If you initially used Google when creating your account, the password reset option will not work, and you will need to sign in with your Google credentials.

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